Parents Pre-course Training

First, parents are asked to watch a recorded training session, then attend live training at least four days before students start the course.

  1. Recorded training

Please ensure the recorded training is completed before the live remote training.

Recorded training has been split into three parts.

Part 1 is for parents only. Parts 2 & 3 can be shared with students.

Part 1 - Introduction for parents

Learn the ethos behind the course and get an idea of what to expect.

Video 1 is for Parents only!

Please do NOT have students watch this video or attend the live meeting.


Part 2 - How to set-up Equipment

This video provides information on how to set up the equipment and warns you about common pitfalls. It is essential viewing to prevent students from getting frustrated and not making the most of the course.


Part 3 - Zoom instructions

Even if you are familiar with Zoom, watching this video before attending the live Parent Training could save time and frustration.


2. Live remote training

The Parent Set-up training is scheduled to ensure there is time to rectify any problems before the live remote lessons start.

This training is mandatory to ensure everything works before the course begins.

You will need a Zoom account to attend this meeting.

If the student doesn’t already have a Zoom account, this video shows how to create a free account.


We cannot fix technical problems once the course has started.

Parents should watch the recorded training above to prepare for the live session.

The contents of the video and the meeting are for parents only!!!

You will be emailed a Zoom link for this training, which is scheduled for the Thursday before the course starts on Monday.