Frequently Asked Questions

Given there is no other course like the Technologies & Touch Typing for Academic Success course, we have provided answers to frequently asked questions.

If you have any other questions contact us

Click on the questions below to get detailed answers

About the course

Why spend the time and money to teach my child to type?

Find out why it is a worthwhile investment.

How does learning to type improve grades?

Learn how students can improve their graded in both homework and exams.

Why invent such a complicated course?

The evolution of the course is explained.

How would you summarise how this course differs from others?

Learn what makes the course unique.

How is the course structured?

Given there isn’t another course like it we suggest parents become familiar with the structure before booking.

Why is this a remote course rather than face to face?

Some surprising facts were revealed.

Why have a ‘Distance Learning’ section as well as ‘Supervised training’?

Learn the motivation behind the structure.

What learning technologies will be covered?

The technology selected is designed to help students achieve higher marks and boost confidence.

What training is provided for parents?

One of the secrets of our success is the fact we train parents and work in close partnership with them throughout the course

Can I see examples of past students’ results?

We are extremely proud of the results our students achieve. Take a look we think they are amazing!!

How do we get such impressive results?

We share the two critical factors to our success.

Who should attend?

Is this course only for students with learning difficulties?

We explain why all students benefit from attending.


Learn the best time to teach a child to type.

What if my child is not good at following remote instructions?

This is not uncommon, click above for options to help overcome this issue.

Value for money

How much does the course cost?

The price of the course is dependent on the number of teaching hours. See the individual course details for the price.


What is included in the price?

The cost of the course depends on the number of teaching hours include but certain elements are always included. We always strive to keep costs down.

Why is the course outstanding value?

When calculating the cost of course we charge approx £15 per teaching hour, making it a very competitively priced investment in any child’s future.

Do you give sibling discounts?

Discounts are available for Siblings booking on course, Use the discount code SIBLING when checking out.


What do students say about the course?

We are surprised and delighted by the wonderful feedback we get from students. Helpful information for reluctant students,

What do parents say about this course?

These reviews from parents help explain how the course works and what an amazingly positive impact it has on self-esteem, aspirations and attainment. It really is a life-changing course.


What do students need for the course to work technically?

Essential reading before registration.

What if we have vacations booked over the school holiday?

Find out why this isn’t normally a problem, and when it would be.

What if I am not confident using technology?

Learn what support is available.

Why does registration close over a week before the course starts?

Registration must close with ample time to ensure equipment arrives on time.

Is late registration possible?

Yes, but the onus is on the family to ensure they have all the equipment required on time. If this is something you are interested in contact up ASAP