Sara’s Story (age 12)


1. What motivated you to book a place on the course? 

I knew of this touch typing course for about a year before I decided to book. I had been thinking that it was expensive and that school had weekly touch typing classes which are free so I thought maybe we use the school first.  But in the end it’s intensive, Sara had to be there every day, spending time with other children and doing it from home.   I really wanted to make sure she learned to touch type. Also one of the parents, Sally Dandon, highly recommended the course to me. 

2. Prior to the course, what specific difficulties, insecurities, anxieties, attitudes, communication issues was your child experiencing?

She’s dyslexic. We know she also has Inattentive Deficiency Disorder.  Processing information is always tricky, writing, losing the thread was a struggle for her and writing was always difficult. Besides that, I’m very good at typing, she can put across her ideas so much easier when typing so in that sense I really wanted her to have this tool to help herself put all these ideas into typing.  She wasn’t articulate in writing.  

3. How did the course help your child to overcome these difficulties?

The speed and efficiency of touch typing increased her confidence to be able to write school essays and to “write” more at school after the summer by touch typing in class.

4. Were there other benefits that you hadn’t expected?

Of course the technical touch typing but being so positive about all that everyone can do.  The course is a shower of encouragement all the time and made Sara so happy.  She wanted to get the Amazon prize so she worked hard, having more belief in herself.  

5.  What were the benefits for you as a parent of your child taking the course?

She had to get up earlier than 1pm!  She had a reason to get up for.  I was working at the same time in the kitchen.  It was really easy to manage because the course structure was so good. She was 12.  If she had been younger, maybe I might have needed to help more, but she could do it independently . 

6.  What advice would you give other parents considering booking onto the course?

Go for it. Because your children will not only learn touch typing, they will become more confident, have more belief in themselves and they’ll even get to know some other technologies that will help them along the way.