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Resources to Support Parents

Resources to support parents educate children at home.

All ages

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Resources that will help whatever the age of your child.

For example

  • Inform and train parents.

  • Advice on what what to look for when puchasing a new device

  • Library Apps & audio books

  • Electronic text books

  • Touch typine

Primary children

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There are numerous brilliant resources for primary aged children, many are being made availabe free at this difficult time.

They tend to concentrate on helping children learn to

  • Read,

  • Spell

  • Maths

  • Enjoying stories

  • Writing


Secondary students

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While there are many great resources for secondary children, their needs often need to meet specific exam board specifications

Generic information can be more helpful. For example

  • How to revise & learn

  • Use text to speech

  • Dictation


Non academic

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We now have time to encourage our children try new activites.
There are hundreds of remote ways of learning new skills.

Explore where your childs natural talents lie.

  • Coding

  • Cookery

  • Drumming

  • Dress making

More information can be found here