Teaching Students
Achieve Now offer several teaching options for students.
Primary students
Teach reading & spelling by setting up intervention solutions
Where schools do not have the trained staff available to utilize transformative intervention solutions, I can be an extra resource to help.
The goal is to provide the initial support to enable staff to oversee student progress independently.
decide on the best solution(s) to use.
train staff, pupils and parents how to best use the solution(s) to ensure improvements are achieved.
How long does it take?
Varies dependent on numbers of pupils involved.
How much does it cost?
In most instances this would be done through my affordable consultancy service.
Secondary students
Dyslexia friendly study skills & revision techniques workshops
Student training is designed to
raises students’ expectations of what they can achieve
increase intrinsic motivation to learn
equips students with the technology and techniques to take exams well.
Numerous techniques and technologies are introduced that would benefit any student but are particularly helpful for those with special educational needs.
How long does it take?
8 hours of teaching time in total.
2 half day sessions. Alternatively, regular lessons over a term.
How much does it cost?
£450 per half day session.
All ages
Touch Typing Courses
Being able to touch type with speed and accuracy is a valuable life skill. For students that find writing difficult it can significantly improve grades.
It enables students to write much quicker and more legibly, plus it opens the possibility of using helpful technologies that enhance the quality of written work.
It has the potential to reduce school expenditure and simplify logistics, as it can lessen the number of human scribes required during formal exams.
I work with individual schools to ascertain the best way of ensuring their students learn this vital skill.
Several options are available
Advise staff how to set up effective typing clubs at school through our consultancy service.
Deliver the training directly to students on your school premises either via:
weekly lessons for a term
an intensive course, ideally at the end of the academic year (after exams) or whenever there is a suitable gap in the school timetables
Publicise my public remote typing courses in school. These are normally scheduled at the beginning of school holidays so students can complete the necessary practice when they have a reduced workload.
It is essential that parents are made aware of the benefits to students of being able to type proficiently and of the practice requirements of my courses before they enroll students on the course. This is covered in our Parent Workshops.
How long does it take?
It varies depending on age. Younger students tend to take longer. Older and more dexterous students require 15 hours of teaching to become proficient touch typists.
How much does it cost?
It varies depending on the age and number of students.
Teaching parents to support learning at home greatly increases the
effectiveness of training students
“Caroline has advised our school on appropriate technology to use with boys who have a range of SEN within our school. She has been invaluable in researching and setting up appropriate programmes that we can use within the school. She has provided a ‘hands on’ approach in working within the school and in training the support staff in the use of specific programmes. Caroline has also liaised closely with parents in providing information and encouragement to persevere. She is keen and highly motivated, with a passion for encouraging students to use IT to support their learning needs.