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Easter Intensive Touch Typing for Academic Success


A remote course consisting of:

  • 2 half-day courses

  • 21 days of set practice (40 minutes a day)

  • 16 short evening lessons

You will be amazed by how much progress can be made in a short time

This unique REMOTE touch typing course is designed to set dyslexic learners up to achieve their full potential academically.

What parents say about this course
Google review

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How does a REMOTE typing course work?

  • Student’s finger positions are monitored during typing practise using external webcams that we supply.

  • Supplied modified keyboards make aid both learning and supervision

  • High teacher-student ratios to check finger positions

  • To ensure everything works technically before the course stars:

    • We supply “How to” videos

    • An online seminar will be scheduled for parents or students that need help setting up.

What’s included:

  • External webCam & modified keyboard -that the students keep

  • Delivery costs in the UK

  • User accounts on multiple typing programs

  • Intensive tuition & supervised typing practise

  • Distance tuition, assigned typing practice to be completed anywhere.

  • WhatsApp prompts to practise for students with mobile phones

  • Amazon gift voucher to rewards students -Motivates students to practise & progress.

Students who follow the intensive program will:

  • Be proficient typists able to type school work

  • Know how to use typing skills and learning tools to get better grades.

Registration must be received by 5pm Friday 19th March to ensure webcams arrive on time.

Discounts are available for Siblings wanting to do the course, please email me for a discount code before purchase.

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